Tuesday, March 25, 2008

So Far From the Bamboo Grove

I strongly want to recommend this book. I think that it is such a great book. No offense but I kind of want to recommend this book to Koreans. Most of the Koreans don’t like Japanese. Mostly because of Japanese occupied Koreans and it wasn't happy. Well, this is written in Japanese point of view. Before reading this book our teacher told us this book may contain something that Korean would not agree with if you know about Korean. Yes I found some of those problems. However, you got to know that if you look in different point of view you might have some things that you don't like. It is just like putting your foot into someone else's shoes. Yes it will feel uncomfortable because it is not your shoes. I think that it is the same way with looking at stories from different point of view. It is a great book. Read Read and Read! :)


gossip girl said...

so true caroline. anyways, good job on ur post. it looks good. it sounds like a pretty good book to me. well, i agree with u too. luv u lots!!! ~caroline 예쁜이. ㅋㅋ(:

Kelly Lee said...

Your blog persuades me to read that Bamboo book~ And I promise that I will one day:) I heard that the book is a bit offensive to Koreans because it's written in Japanese point of view. But I want to try this book because I want to know what others are thinking about the Japan occupation. Different people might have different opinions about the event :)

Anonymous said...

Because of its historical reliability, So Far from the Bamboo Grove, published in 1986 in U.S.A., was harshly criticized by Korean news reporters two years after the translation and publication of this book in Korea by the title of The Story of Yoko (요코이야기) in the year of 2005. There are some errors in this book:
1. The book pictures the breathtaking pursuit battle of Yoko family and the soldiers of Korean Communist Army in 1945, at the end of World War II and Japan’s occupation in Korea. However, Korean Communist Army (Korean People’s Army) was founded on Feb. 8, 1948.
2. There is no historical fact that U.S. air bomber raided Nanam, Korea.
3. Even after the World War II was ended, Korea was still assumed by Japanese army until Sept. 9, 1945, when the U.S. army came, so it is falsifying facts to say that Japanese in Korea were menaced by Korean people.
4. Bamboo grove, neither one nor two, but grove, cannot grow in the northern Korea because of climate condition. Even right now, bamboo grows in the middle part of Korea from the effect of the global warming but not in the northern Korea.
5. Mother was carrying a bunch of money and the family had to hunt for the food in garbage cans.

The news about it (Korean): http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=104&oid=001&aid=0001522717

Even though this book focuses on a Japanese family’s life of sufferings and hardships from living in Korea because of the war, not on the historical facts, the historical fiction book should write the story with authenticity and reliability.