Thursday, May 8, 2008

Response Number 4

4. Answer one of the following questions:
(b) Irony: Irony is a contrast between expectation and reality. What is ironic about these references to the outside world? P.384- Mr. Frank. I think there’s nothing the matter with our Anne that a ride on her bike or a visit with her friend Jopie de Waal wouldn’t cure. Isn’t that so, Anne? [Mr. Van Daan comes down into the room. From outside we hear faint sounds of bombers going over and a burst of ack-ack].
Mr. Frank is saying things that Anne would love to do and things that she enjoyed doing before she lived in Secret Annex. Anne used to love to play with her best friends Jopie de Waal and ride her own bike and have fun. She liked to play with other kids in school. She was a normal girl. So her father is telling how Anne has no problem if she does those things. However, the sound of bomb reminds Anne and others that they are in war. I also think that it kind of reveals that Anne is really wanting to go out to "real world" not in her Secret Annex.

1 comment:

SophiaC said...

It is really ironic how Mr. Frank said that there was nothing more than a little fresh air could cure Anne, and then the sound of bombs go off. They think it would be safe for a few mintues becasue they haven't been caught, yet later realize that they still are during war. It wasn't safe to go out yet. When they believe that everything is going to be okay, suddenly the bombs go off and they become insecure again.
good post :) keep it up